Kerri Sonnenberg — Two poems
Dilutions Wears Each Bending
— for Sawako Nakayasu
asking to determine truer pleats
through ells than pulled
instead waters to cull
to break tired ebbs over through eaves
time avails to duplicates
to oscillating thusly
through colloquially tremolo
portends withal the I
the fit all
to deeming tributary
rubble to prove
the give takes twice the surge
such to gesture to
gleaned truce via tracing furl
to suit the legible opening once bruised
traffic folds
turnings circle to depletion
It or to Parse Upon White
white is right now and there all or nail
shadow labor in grading surface of no
hue or some but how and in delay seen
only assisted exaggerating like blue fit for flesh
that unbrushed is refused a bowl to contain
the corners of your frame or if hand too
and hones a rough bead of negative space
so much the profession of something fleeted
inasmuch as bathed admits under winter throes
allow some felling light spare as notch
that wants of window through the grain
in keeping classic the forms of transference
as in one able only to travel
atop host and so is ever pending
arrival keeps to stone the word of it considered
but for a knife could without how be so
thought in present white this did fill
a missed vessel of print whether thick
and every weathers in slight piece no feast of remaining
it or that think snug a slipping
being white though a what better