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JACKET # 14 - July 2001 | # 14
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Office for Soft Architecture
Dear Rich , the southern loop was lovely. For your hospitality, a theory — Spatial Synthetics — A Theory
from the Office for Soft Architecture
We want an intelligence that's tall and silver, oblique and black, purring and amplifying its decor; a thin thing, a long thing, a hundred videos, a boutique. Because we are both passive and independent, we need to theorize. We are studying the synthesis of sincerity, the synthetics of space because they are irreducible and contingent. We are shirking the anxiety of origin because we can. We want to really exercise fate with extremely normal things such as our mind. |
Now the entire aim of our speculative cognition amplifies the synthetic principle. Everything glimmers, delights, fades, goes. We drift through the cognition with exceptional grace. Attached as we are to the senses, we manifest the sheer porousness of boutiques. The boutiques are categories. We have plenty of time. The problem is not how to stop the flow of items and surfaces in order to stabilize space, but how to articulate the politics of their passage. Every culture is the terrible gush of its splendid outward forms. |
Office for Soft Architecture has most recently published in Nest: A Quarterly of Interiors, and West Coast Line. |
J A C K E T # 14 and S A L T # 13 Contents page This issue of Jacket is a
co-production with SALT magazine,
This material is copyright © Lisa Robertson