Yang Lian is a Chinese / New Zealander, based in UK since 1993. YI, a book-length poem translated by Mabel Lee, has just been published in a bilingual edition by Sun & Moon Press in Los Angeles. Other bilingual collections are Masks and Crocodile (Wild Peony, 1990), translated by Mabel Lee, Non-Person Singular (WellSweep, 1994) and Where the Sea Stands Still (Bloodaxe, 1999), both translated by Brian Holton. A major collection of new poems, Notes of a Blissful Ghost, translated by Brian Holton, is due soon from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. You can read his poem ‘Ten Years’ in Jacket 15.
See also http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/authors/yang/
Photo: Yang Lian, Berlin, 2001, by John Tranter
Jacob Edmond is an Auckland-based critic who is currently completing a PhD thesis at the University of Auckland on the politics and aesthetics of contemporary experimental poetry in Russia, the United States and China, and on the writers Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Lyn Hejinian, and Yang Lian in particular. He has a homepage at http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~jacobe/
Brian Holton grew up in West Africa, Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders, and was educated at Edinburgh University and Durham University. He is currently Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has published several volumes of translations of Yang Lian’s poetry, including Where the Sea Stands Still: New Poems by Yang Lian (New Castle: Bloodaxe Books, 1999) and Non-Person Singular: Collected Shorter Poems of Yang Lian (London: Wellsweep Press, 1994). , as well as translations of Chinese literature in Scots, including several chapters of Shuihu zhuan, which he renders as Men o the Mossflow; he has also translated several short stories and a great deal of pre-modern Chinese poetry into Scots. He hopes one day to complete all of Mossflow, and if he does, this will be the longest piece of Scots prose in several hundred years. |