The Death-Throes of NationalismJohn Newton reviews
Here the respected, reputedly ‘academic’ poet, the Professor of New Zealand Literature, and the imposingly credentialled scholar of British modernist poetics, combined (‘like / an All Black front row — / unstoppable!’[2] ) in a performance which struck many readers of the time as, not just imposing or even intimidating, but overbearingly theoretical.[3] For the critic in this ebullient mood, there were the quick and the dead: If one looks at developments in the arts from an historical perspective it does seem there is a certain flow of the tide. You can choose to swim against it if you want to, and you may swim brilliantly. What you can’t do is turn it back. It’s conceivable, for example, that someone might have written polished satiric couplets in the manner of Pope after 1790, but it’s not conceivable that by doing so he would have made any appreciable difference to the onset of the Romantic Movement. He would have been swimming against the tide of literary history.[4]
The irony will not be lost on any watcher of Stead’s career. But what perhaps hasn’t been fully appreciated — and for me this has been the thing to emerge most clearly from Kin of Place — is that the Stead who then finds himself ‘Arguing with the Zeitgeist’ (as Answering to the Language puts it)[5] is not some new, startling aberration of the mid-Eighties, but is already ‘swimming against the tide’ at the height of his academic influence in the late Seventies. |
The Tribunal was first established by the Muldoon National Government in 1975, with circumscribed powers to investigate grievances held by Maori against the Crown. The amendment Act introduced in 1985 by the Lange Labour Government, empowering the Tribunal to investigate claims as far back as the signing of the Treaty in 1840, ushered in the contemporary era of Treaty politics. |
And this is the united (‘PC’) front with which Stead, from the 1980s, will so steadfastly refuse to align himself. In doing so, and especially in respect of Maori issues, he reinvents himself as a figure of the cultural right. Even to someone now or in the future who sees this inclusion of Maori language poems as self-evidently right it may at least be of sociological or historical interest if I can succeed in digging out of myself why my reaction is as it is.[9]
From the mid-1980s, then, there’s a noticeable adjustment in Stead’s sense of his own audience. Increasingly he turns towards the ‘general reader,’ lucidly enough I should quickly add (since the achievement is not to be sneered at by a professional academic) to persuade Auckland University Press to undertake this handsome edition of close to 400 pages. At the same time he knows that in the university from which he has abdicated, leaving his corpus to science as he goes, if his former colleagues read him it will no longer be as an authority but as a symptom. |
But returning to it now, I wonder if this stress is not misplaced. Near the end of her life, Lauris Edmond herself compiled an anthology with Bill Sewell entitled Essential New Zealand Poems. Their selection from Stead begins with a piece from Crossing the Bar (1972). Thirty years on it makes interesting reading, not just in light of the fractious history between Edmond and Stead, but even more so if we consider the problem of his current reputation. ‘With a Pen-Knife’ is Stead’s revenge on a high-school teacher, Tammy Scott — amateur flower-painter, curator of the school’s honour roll, and the author of a caning which the poet has never forgotten. I used a pen-knife,
The offence was to use the knife as a pen. The poet’s revenge employs the pen like a knife: He might have been a desk-top.
Certainly there is something here of an ‘essential’ Stead as we meet him in that essay. There is firstly the irrepressible egotist (surely the only New Zealand poet to have inscribed in his own lines, on more than one occasion, his ‘impertinent name’ in block capitals), a critic who can never resist the temptation to inscribe himself at the centre of whatever story he’s telling. In his treatment of Edmond’s Wellington Letter this self-preoccupation reaches a new high-water mark. Given that the Edmond’s poem-sequence revolves around the suicide of her daughter Rachel, it seems almost inconceivable that the critic can produce a reading which revolves around himself and his own ‘sensitized’ feelings (290). Then there is Stead the indefatigable score-settler, nemesis of old Tammy Scott, who, not content with going these extra, posthumous rounds with Edmond, then contrives to spend his last five paragraphs digging over a dimly remembered spat with Roger Robinson.[12] |
Tohunga Crescent: desirable address in the well-heeled inner Auckland suburb of Parnell. Karekare: beach settlement on Auckland’s rugged West Coast. These locations provide the settings for many of Curnow’s later poems. |
And yet this information comes as no great surprise, since Stead’s debt to Curnow is apparent at every turn in his critical writing. Stead appears never to have fully accepted the need to step outside of Curnow’s mid-century paradigm, and this, in my reading, explains a great deal about the tenor of his work since the mid-1980s. |
The Vintner’s Luck: Multi-award winning novel by Elizabeth Knox. The Vinter’s Luck is probably the single best-known work to have been produced by cohort of young writers associated with Victoria University Press, the journal Sport, and Bill Manhire’s creative writing school.Set in 19th century Burgundy, the novel has attracted certain negative comments for its fantasy elements and its internationalism. |
Returning once more to Curnow in that last memorial essay, Stead still enthuses in untroubled tones about ‘the human craving for the ideal, and the curative properties of the real’ (146). The news of Curnow’s death arrives as he is scurrying around in Menton, a French town which Curnow had visited, trying to track down an historical detail (some missing railtracks) that will make them both more feel more secure about the factual accuracy of a late Curnow poem (155). [Menton, on the French Riviera, was a some-time haunt of Katherine Mansfield, in whose honour a substantial residency has been established allowing New Zealand writers to work there for a year at a time. Both Curnow and Stead have held the Katherine Mansfield Fellowhship.] |
Pakeha and Maori: Post-contact markers of New Zealand ethnic identity. The etymological origins of the term Pakeha are disputed, and its political uses and valencies are still very up-for-grabs (see the conclusion of this review).Generally, however, the term is accepted as having originally meant ‘other’ or ‘different’. The idea of ‘Maori’ as a collective identity post-dates contact. For a more nuanced account of these issues, see Paul Spoonley, Racism and Ethnicity (1988; Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1993), 57–61.
However, Stead’s appeal to place as a source of kinship is, if anything, more emphatic. Place in itself makes his writers a family. To speak in the first person plural it’s enough that we just live here.
The term describes, critically, the narrative of settlement which Curnow had extracted from the common preoccupations of the nationalist landscape writers (Bethell, Brasch, Cresswell, Holcroft, and Curnow himself, among others). Curnow detested the label, and it’s easy to see why. It was possibly not so much the South Island aspect — the demotion of a nationwide vision to regional one; Curnow contested this ‘South Island particularity,’ but for all his avowed localism he was himself an ambivalent nationalist. What really wound him up, I think, was the inter-implication of the local (parochial) factor with the connotations of myth itself — ‘a curious term for what is simply a way of looking at history,’ to which he added in a footnote: ‘Loosely used like that there is no mistaking [its] intention.’[21] And he was right. From the northern (and younger) perspective of someone like poet-historian Keith Sinclair, it was clearly not an accident that Christchurch [on the South Island) had emerged as the nation’s cultural centre during the nationalist heyday. |
Historian Keith Sinclair is one of the writers most prominently associated with the critique of Curnow’s poetics conveniently abbreviated in the term South Island Myth (see Sinclair, A History of New Zealand, 1959; London: Allen Lane, 1990, 327-29).See also: John Newton, ‘Colonialism above the Snowline: Baughan, Ruskin and the South Island Myth,’ |
The South Island’s much lower Maori population, its very different history of contact and settlement, and its vast open spaces with the habitat they offered for the acclimatization of a stark romantic sublime, combined to shape the South as the inevitable location of the needful, impossible task of staging settler cultural legitimacy. William Pember Reeves had put it more precisely than anyone: We stand where none before have stood
As his nationalist successors refine this fallacy, displacing systematically the history of colonial conquest on to the intractable South Island landscape, their narrative of settlement emerges as the battle of man against the elements, unmediated by any significant prior occupation. The history of struggle between Maori and Pakeha is displaced by the myth of Pakeha struggle with the land, a struggle which is a ‘myth,’ not because it never happened, but because of what it helps the mythologist not to see. Or as Roland Barthes explains in Mythologies — writing, as it happens, at almost exactly the same time — the function of myth is to transform history into nature.[23] This contradiction in the novel’s fabric of ideas is not resolved — merely patched over. I doubt whether it can be resolved honestly in New Zealand fiction so long as it remains a contradiction fundamental to our sense of ourselves — so long, that is, as our collective sense of identity is something imported, while our individual sense is shaped in childhood in direct relation to the particular physical environment of these islands. (174)
What seems to me startling about this passage, dating as it does from as late as 1979, is not so much the enduring attachment to an innocent, unmediated relation between self and location, as the fact that what disturbs this dyadic embrace is still conceived of here as a complication of the colonial centre (‘our’ imported sense of identity). It still sounds like Curnow in 1945, ‘trying to keep faith with the tradition in the language while [the] imagination must seek forms as immediate in experience as the island soil under [our] feet.’[26] In other words, Stead is still writing here like an exponent of the South Island Myth, still trying to introduce the landscape to the language, and still apparently deaf to the fact that the landscape already has one — the Maori language — and that ‘our collective identity’ lies somewhere on the other side of everything which its priority implies. . . . great importance is now given to a revival of Maori language and culture. These, it is thought, will bring new pride, a sense of identity, and hope. New Zealand resounds with the rhythmic stamp of the haka, the swirl of grass skirts, the twirl of the poi, the knock of the wood-carver’s hammer, and the tirelessly repeated wail of the karanga. (332)
Maori, it is clear, are not a partner to be negotiated with, but an other to be patronised for the amusement of a metropolitan audience. On the sale of Maori land, for example: ‘Their sense of its spiritual value is always sharpest once the material value has been realized . . .’ (331). London, of course, has heard all this before; Victorian drawing-rooms no doubt ‘resounded’ with it. But republished later, here in New Zealand, with original date-stamp and sight-lines still showing, the outcome seems not just divisive but deeply parochial.
Baxter, older by six years than Stead, and who begins by rehearsing in some of his best-known early poems the familiar gestures of the South Island Myth, will eventually discover in the Jerusalem period the exit from its parochialism that will put mid-century nationalism in perspective. Stead is at his most disappointing on Baxter, not when berating him in Curnowesque terms in the early review of In Fires of No Return, but when trying to be appreciative of these late poems following Baxter’s death. The Jerusalem Sonnets, as he justly points out, are difficult to talk about, but particularly so in the limited vocabulary of Stead’s new-critical formalism.
Their difficulty is that produced by the best of the confessional poets, in whose company I think the late Baxter belongs, in that they challenge the determination of academic criticism of the Fifties and Sixties to safely confine the scope of its inquiry to ‘the text in itself.’ Stead comes close to acknowledging the problem when he pauses to draw breath after close-reading his way through the first two sonnets. But to go on dealing particularly with poems of this kind may be an evasion of a more general question which I now put to myself: ‘Doesn’t a set of doctrines and beliefs which you yourself find at least false and possibly repugnant lie behind these poems? In your enjoyment of the poems aren’t you ignoring an essential part of their meaning?’ These ‘doctrines and beliefs’ which Stead finds ‘false and possibly repugnant’ refer to Baxter’s Catholicism rather than his Maoritanga. But the latter, too, is bracketed off, no less surely and to Stead’s greater cost. Issues press in from ‘behind’ the text which the critic half-concedes are ‘an essential part of their meaning,’ but they are given no hearing. |
Maoritanga: Literally the term means something like ‘Maori perspective’ but is widely understood as meaning simply ‘Maori culture’. |
The role of Maori in the Jerusalem Sonnets is not mentioned. Only in an appended note, on Autumn Testament, does Stead acknowledge it. ‘I have not had Autumn Testament long enough to write about it,’ he says, but concedes that ‘the Maori elements . . . have become a deep and genuine part of Baxter’s intellectual and emotional life — something new in Pakeha writing’ (318). |
Postscript: some nationalisms
Having talked throughout this essay about the demise of nationalism, it may be as well to end by stating explicitly what this does, and does not, mean. The nationalism in question is of course that associated with Curnow and the writers of the so-called Phoenix generation, its historical centre of gravity falling in the Thirties and Forties. [This shorthand refers to the nationalist writers of the mid twentieth century (Curnow, Sargeson, Brasch, Glover et al). Phoenix itself was a short-lived by highly influential literary journal of the early 1930s. The term ‘Caxton group’ (after Denis Glover’s Caxton Press) has a similarly wide acceptance and describes the same cohort.] |
Notes[1] Ken Ruthven, rev. of C.K. Stead, Pound, Yeats, Eliot and the Modernist Movement, Landfall 160 (1986), p. 509. [2] C.K. Stead, ‘From the Clodian Songbook,’ Between, Auckland, AUP (1988), p. 53. [3] See Roger Horrocks, ‘Off the Map,’ Parallax 3 (1983), pp. 247-48. [4] C.K. Stead, In the Glass Case: Essays on New Zealand Literature, Auckland: AUP (1981), pp. 144-45. [5] C.K. Stead, Answering to the Language: Essays on Modern Writers, Auckland: AUP (1989). The phrase is used as a section heading in the book’s table of contents. [6] During the 1981 Springbok Tour, Stead was among a phalanx of protestors who invaded field before kick-off against in the fixture against Waikato. The match was abandoned — to the fury of the crowd, and the delight of the anti-Tour movement. [7] Established with more limited powers by the previous National government in 1975, in 1985 the Tribunal was given the authority to hear grievances dating back to 1840. [8] C.K. Stead, On the Margins, rev. of The New Fiction, ed. Michael Morrissey, Islands, new series 3.1 (1986), pp. 73-78; reprinted as ‘A New New Zealand Fiction,’ inAnswering to the Language, pp. 236-42. For reciprocal critiques from among Stead’s former colleagues, see Simon During, ‘Towards a Revision of Local Critical Habits,’ AND 1 (1983), pp. 77-79; Jonathan Lamb, ‘Risks of Myth,’ Meanjin 46.3 (1987), pp. 377-84. [9] Stead, ‘At Home with the Poets,’ Answering to the Language, pp. 133-35. [10] Stead, ‘Teaching English,’ Answering to the Language, p. 253. On nay-saying (or the role of the ‘unregenerate Opposer’), see Kin of Place, p. 288. On perversity, see C.K. Stead, ‘Fear of Flying,’ Metro 118 (April, 1991), p. 131. [11] Lauris Edmond and Bill Sewell, eds,Essential New Zealand Poems, Auckland, Godwit (2001), pp. 224-25. [12] Stead and Robinson (Professor of English at Victoria University, Wellington) have quarreled over the secondary English syllabus. There was also a fracas over a comment about Stead in a review by Robinson in New Zealand Books. [13] Stead, In the Glass Case, p. 139. [14] Stead, In the Glass Case, p. 153. [15] Roger Horrocks, ‘No Theory Permitted on these Premises,’ AND 2 (1984), p. 133. [16] Stead, In the Glass Case, p. 159. To a New Zealand reader, this is unmistakably the language of Curnow’s introductions. [17] In Ned Lukacher, Primal Scenes: Literature, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Ithaca, Cornell UP (1986), Freud’s ‘primal scene’ becomes the trope for a conjectural ‘intertextual event’ which is read as the text’s forgotten origin. [18] Allen Curnow, Look Back Harder: Critical Writings 1935-1984, ed. Peter Simpson, Auckland, AUP (1987), p. 65 (my italics). [19] ‘Their comparative isolation . . . adds evidential value to any common characteristics which may be discerned.’ Curnow, Look Back Harder, p. 44. [20] Curnow, Look Back Harder, p. 67. [21] Curnow, Look Back Harder, p. 124. [22] William Pember Reeves, ‘A Colonist in His Garden,’ Jenny Bornholdt, Greg O’Brien and Mark Williams, eds., An Anthology of New Zealand Poetry in English, Auckland, OUP (1997), p. 497. [23] Roland Barthes, Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers, London, Paladin (1973), p. 140; originally published in French in 1957. [24] John Newton, ‘The South Island Myth: A Short History,’ Australian-Canadian Studies, 18.1&2 (2000), pp. 23–39. [25] Stead, In the Glass Case, p. 251. [26] Curnow, Look Back Harder, p. 45. [27] The novel won the Pegasus Award for Maori Literature, a one-off prize sponsored by Mobil, in 1984. It then won the Booker Prize in 1985. [28] Walter D’Arcy Cresswell (1896-1960), poet(aster), autobiographer, literary identity. A distinguishing habit of Cresswell’s splendid autobiographies (The Poet’s Progress, 1930; Present without Leave, 1939) is to refer his fellow New Zealanders in an Olympian third person. [29] Barthes, Mythologies, p. 120.
[30] Alex Calder, ‘Unsettling Settlement: Poetry and Nationalism in Aotearoa/New Zealand,’ REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, 14 (1998), pp. 169-72. |
Jacket 22 — May 2003
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