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Gael Turnbull: ‘At Least Once...’

AT LEAST ONCE, having seen what was needed and the possibility,
worked out the means, structure, I took down part of a wall,
rearranged the stones, put in posts, hinges,

a gate, aligned and balanced so that, as contrived, it closed exactly,
the snib dropping into place as if only natural, meant to be: the same
‘Why not?’, the same ‘What more?’

Gael Turnbull building his gate

Photo: Gael Turnbull, 1986, fitting the gatepost at High House, photo by Tony Baker

. . . Jacket thanks Jill Turnbull for permission to reprint,
John Lucas at Shoestring Press, Nottingham, and David Kennedy, for the poem,
and Tony Baker for the photo

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