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          Tom Raworth feature

      Anselm Hollo: from Guests Of Space

for Tom Raworth

wave motion green as text
can’t even begin to imagine not hanging
on to these tatters while counting nights and days
says the wanderer but you have to wrap them around
some sort of core        fanfares of long gone
cheerful hours candles stand on a drum
draws knife edge across thumbnail
can you kill death with this
there are days on the plains when one can see
all the way to the sea
sea’s breaking on hefty beach says the wanderer
now gone a million years
hear dusk roar air ash fish hair
rapidamente siempre rapidamente

rattle like arrow shafts in a quiver
wizard bliss mighty music all very well
& good says the wanderer but are they
catching up with us well they don’t sound
as good as we did
exeunt omnes
the place hasn’t changed all that much
the human being is punched in the nose
he or she must have
in order to ensure that every viewer
gets the message
o seethe with this sound


tomes   ports of lore

Jacket 26 — October 2004  Contents page
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