Tarzan Workshop
Here is poem. Describe poem. Does poem feel “earned”? What are “formal characteristic” of poem? Is A) lyrical, B) narrative, C) meditative, or D) rhetorical? Because those only options for what poem can be. Is better than last poem? If not, Tarzan think student slipping. Write down suggestion for poet, and now Tarzan proceed to “fix mistakes” in poem. Does poem feel “welcoming to Tarzan reader”? Tarzan personally think “loaded gun” is mistake — poet should change to “fluffy bunny rabbit” to not intimidate Tarzan. That cheap move. Describe “music of poem” — do poem voice sound “flat” here? Do poem show “Tarzan mind at work”? In order to “fix,” poet need make exactly like ideal poem which Tarzan have in mind but which he never reveal. Student keep until get right. Other student here write more close to Tarzan ideal poem, so Tarzan make jealous by give other student all Tarzan praise and attention!!! Tarzan bet student feel shitty now, right? Tarzan know how to write Tarzan poem, student not allowed artist. Student apprentice, Tarzan train student write poem like Tarzan write. Have read all book on Tarzan syllabus composed entirely of book written by friend of Tarzan? Good, if student write like friend of Tarzan book student soon publish by Copper Canyon Press no time! But wait! Tarzan no got to best part, which mean REVISION! Ah, yes, revision. Do student know Louise Gluck make over FORTY DRAFT of single poem, and over half of draft just CHANGE SEMICOLON? Do student know that most “serious poet” do nothing than sit at desk and REVISE POEM ALL DAY LONG? Because Tarzan poem “never finished”! Tarzan teach strive toward make “perfect” curious “inwrought Tarzan thing” which ideal form and which also Stand Up To Test Of Time, because Tarzan poet not live in this world. Nosirree, live in next. Ugh.
Tarzan chapbook include CUMULUS (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs) and Trinkets Mashed into a Blender (Faux Press). Tarzan publish review and sometimes poem in Fascicle, Five Fingers Review, Harvard Review, RAIN TAXI, Transgender Tapestry, yadda yadda yadda. Tarzan also edit EOAGH: A Journal of the Arts.
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