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Kathrin U. Schaeppi

A Frog Jumps In


coo coo — — coo coo
dove nests on chimney — — coo coo
meditate — — coo coo

consonant with dove
on nest-perch pen composes
coo coo — — coo coo

In “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” Basho wrote,
“If the object and yourself are separate — then your
poetry is merely subjective counterfeit.”


Accept improvisation as it is.

sing with open eyes
envelope the audience
hair on neck erect

two staccato sounds
random from twelve tongues and lips
the pull of silence


Two duets integrate: energy of silence and tension;
space and time; breath, pulse, rhythm; chance; sense
and nonsense; syllables, words, sentences; themes and
roles; associations; contrasts; constraints.

ha       hu ha       hu ha
hahu hahu hahu ha
hu ha hu ha hu

three moo blind mice moo
three blind moose mew three moo’s
three moot blind mäuse moo

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Author’s Note: Ink stick, ink stone, brush and paper are the four treasures with which Basho recorded his three-year journey through Japan. My four treasures are pen, journal, keyboard and red thread. This chapbook is my thirty-three day journey. It is illustrated with self-made ink drawings and is bound with a red thread.

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Kathrin U. Schaeppi lives in Basel, Switzerland and holds degrees in Biology, Women’s Studies, Communications, and most recently an MFA in cross-genre. She has published book reviews, a short story, poetry and self-published an illustrated family chronicle. She is an avid sports-woman and singer.

Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that all material in Jacket magazine is copyright © Jacket magazine and the individual authors and copyright owners 1997–2010; it is made available here without charge for personal use only, and it may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose.