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This piece is about 6 printed pages long. It is copyright © Nicolás Mansito III and Jacket magazine 2008.See our [»»] Copyright notice. The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/36/mansito-poems.shtml
A Note on the Poems
The following poems and their respective titles were composed from a collection of the third and seventh words–in some cases, reproducible symbols and / or typographical characters–on each page (excluding front / back covers) of each book of poetry whose title, author, and publication information I have listed above each poem. All the words gathered from each book were used for each respective poem — no words were discarded, nor was any formula used to ascertain the order of the words; their formats regarding capitalization, italics, underlining, and bolding were kept as is — therefore there is no punctuation, only spacing, stanza and line breaks. The only change I made to any word was change its font to “Times New Roman,” purely for the sake of consistency. These poems are from a larger, almost completed manuscript consisting of 37 poems and entitled, On 3rd & 7th.
— N.M.
Marianne Moore’s, O To Be A Dragon (1959), The Viking Press
If its because I might BE Buzzie BY than
if when an August 14th charm BE Visible
Godspeed to Ox and willow
A title can Be Public Bulwark
If He is top partial
I Marianne Moore composer
of Vinci’s late c.
1956 waist a moss-rose in York
should BE At his goatlike restraint
Ben Reese Thompson One what he Chameleon
for 9 in Use from 1607—1957
H.D.’s, The Walls Do Not Fall (1944), New Directions
us and the ether me moreover
worm-cycle caught
us the pillar-of-fire
us gods and goddesses in the lotus-grove
my Sceptre in your shattered Heart
we the canker incident beginning
me through a knife exaltation not heard
Bryher land in anywhere
ours a palette of porphyry
or a path of Christos-image shell-jaws
Hermes can not reveal my example
know you shalt not research my consecration Sire
the fruit flow forth for tornado terms
Osiris head-dress
to merge sentiment with spell
to have Presence we search for instance
most of us might no it
old blue fall heart-shell whether
what is authentic
we have
what is only illusion
we have
who thought that was the way
we DO
Gabriel Gudding’s, A Defense of Poetry (2002), University of Pittsburgh Press
OF THE LABERIUS RECTUM a BUTT Poetry of magnifique University TRANSCRIPTS
who is the head OYSTER And General
If I P. mean in Robert Beltel’s broken anus
your backpack Jesus Rummaging THE heard
Today a LYNCH AMONG the RACES of sheriffs
CAUGHT The LOFTED anus of EST tristis 39 trills
Ken is a head of duck
Come from flotsam OF livestock
to gravel MY dimwit shell
as The dark gate of farm and of fields dragging that center
OF GNAT world splashed like fat and Dumpty nurses
for everyone to pound magnificent wood
for What I pick is not erased
not supported
and eventually you pushed to mourn that hard great thought
Where through balance I have Lofted little
when will you breach your Beloved today
When the coalman posts the time OF guns For your best Defense
THE clanking backpack
Byrne Daybook of OKLAHOMA
one copse INSERTS one cliff
once When GIORDANO was put beyond Marina
Few could fly
OF such are lost then
Timnath Duncan and Ray inserted order
came on you
just chargers of unison realized
vivid Sons of Man for Someone just
will THE vase and part sees
an am for not
John Tranter’s, Blackout (2000), Barque Press
a human defect
consists a beating on the many-coloured prisoners
on guard is admired
heard It should do
same resign in her Red
that’s TRANTER typeface and the devils totally in that thing my head
Nicolás Mansito III
Nicolás Mansito III works across multiple genres–essay, poetry, short-fiction, creative nonfiction, interview, and translation–and between two languages, English and Spanish. His work has appeared in Nebula, 21 Stars Review, Words Without Borders, Center, Rhino, and Sojourn, among others. Publications are forthcoming in The Human Tentacle and The Poetry of Relationships anthology.