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This piece is about 4 printed pages long. It is copyright © Geoffrey O’Brien and Jacket magazine 2008.See our [»»] Copyright notice.
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Mary Oppen, George Oppen, Swathmore, 1979. Photo Robert S. DuPlessis
“The solitary are obsessed”
a plain kitchen
table, his face
tilted downward
with eyes closed
as if to listen in
on what he would say next —
“insufficient care
for the meaning of words” —
painful to think so —
or, of prepositions
“they’re hell on wheels” —
waterfront apartments
emptied of everything
but what they did not
in the first place contain —
to inhabit
a continual erosion
of what is there
not that he did
not want to speak
the words aloud
but it made him
uneasy — to mistake
accident for the actual,
if the heart startled
at a tone of voice —
special pleading —
to remove himself
from the utterance,
a weathered
free-standing hulk
taking its own place
to wake up
in the middle
of a chilly afternoon
to the presence
of words — hull,
pavements, gull —
a gray world
in time for autumn,
the stairwell
winding down
toward late light —
empty, flat,
alien — a generation
fills the air
with their living absence
in each worn handle,
each cracked brick —
ghost words —
more solid
than anything —
come carrying
fifty years
into the stone yard
all that time
they had been in apartments
and cars,
the sun had moved
across the room,
night dropped down,
a foot touched
the bare floor —
key grinding in lock —
under a spell
until it said so:
wake —
when you get back
to where you were
before you were going there —
to find a postcard
undelivered — “man,
read this book”