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Jacket magazine: Reviewing for Jacket

Jacket is moving to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in late 2010. The new editors will be announcing their editorial and acceptance policies in late 2010. So, expect this page to change then.

If you would like review for Jacket, please write to Jacket’s Associate Editor Pam Brown at
p [døt] brown62 [åt] gmail [døt] cøm

and let us know if you have reviewed for Jacket before.

If you haven’t reviewed for Jacket before, that’s fine, but please provide links to a few reviews you have done, and a biographical and bibliographical note.

But first, please make sure that the book you wish to review has not been reviewed in Jacket already: use Google: here is a direct link — http://www.google.com/

Do take care with your spelling: search engines can be unforgiving.

Please don’t offer to review books where you have a strong personal bias for or against a writer’s work, or if you happen to be the writer’s mother. You may still have strong non-personal feelings for or against, but if so please make this explicit in any review you write.

We can’t take all the review offers Jacket receives; please understand that a rejection is not a personal issue.

If you do review for Jacket, please read Jacket’s editorial style guide thoroughly first:

Disclaimer: As Jacket is free, we are not able to pay for contributions. We don’t mind if material used in Jacket is also used elsewhere — we don’t require exclusive rights. We ask for single-use non-exclusive electronic world rights, in order to protect your rights from exploitation by others. You retain all copyright, and you may publish the work anywhere in any form at any time. You don’t have to ask our permission: just do it. It would be nice if you mentioned previous appearance in Jacket.

— John Tranter, editor

Copyright Notice: Please respect the fact that all material in Jacket magazine is copyright © Jacket magazine and the individual authors and copyright owners 1997–2010; it is made available here without charge for personal use only, and it may not be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose.

The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/rev/reviewing.shtml