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This piece is about 2 printed pages long.
It is copyright © Iain Britton and Jacket magazine 2010. See our [»»] Copyright notice.
The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/40/britton.shtml
From the 4 corners
of this tower
on a map made of plaster of Paris
I fill pockets with tricks.
The best magician wins the day
thinks he’s invisible when he’s not.
White rabbits hide in cupboards in boxes
(in hats?)
A peaceful contradiction exists
but I practise hard.
I conjure up my own sod of origin
plan a park for trees, a plantation for immaculate thoughts
flower beds which will eat fragrances all year round.
From this monolithic inheritance
avenues spoke outwards
to capture returning prodigals
ancestral dropouts, the multiple births of children
the sun’s last sentence on any day.
I draw rings around the spots where you have been.
I tap your sex
to let me in.
Grandeur’s deception is at play.
Cards are dealt and predictably
you choose the Queen of Hearts
because she reads like you.
Iain Britton
Iain Britton’s third poetry collection was published in 2010 by Oystercatcher Press (UK).