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This piece is about 21 printed pages long.
It is copyright © Sheila E Murphy and Douglas Barbour
and Jacket magazine 2009. See our [»»] Copyright notice.
The Internet address of this page is http://jacketmagazine.com/39/barbour-continuations81-83.shtml
Back to the Douglas Barbour feature Contents list
See also Sheila E Murphy and Douglas Barbour: Continuations 30, in Jacket 21,
and Continuations 58 in Jacket 36.
Se also Sheila E. Murphy: “Collaborating with Doug Barbour” in this issue of Jacket.
Continuations LXXXI:
dancing across archived thresholds
into what volumed rooms
blowed pages gather
in corners unattached
attacked by dry rot perhaps
root meta forage for getting and
being beyond an a priori
bow to clear
(understanding) the weight
lift of knowing (valuing)
voluminous shards of evidence
in reality (attached)
shelved and shoveled elsewhere
an other ring of instant
(rot)ation volumes
vellumed a binding contract
shun gathering knowledge
on the ledge, a forfeiture of
stamina a guess is worth a thou
sand syllables a gasp
aghast from stemming cellular replies
immune to replication
of the views on point half similar
news on pointed halts in military
archives lost as scripts in sand
swept by just waves
time rendered temp
or rarely seen again
as swept aside and broken scrolls
alive or midway teeming with the question
telling-yourself by way of goal
affixed to scrolls of
tasks tacit while held aloft
by clef and broken
glass glossing metal licks
high notes grounded in prisoned
practice / or torture
d reams of static say-so
how the implied unspoken sticks
beneath the latest words impressed
with shim
mer(e) votive incandescence yellow
after attic stamina re
framed (plied) following
being broken (duly noted)
thickness worn away
letters litters listserve
d rama fic(t)ations
stated evidence stands
against what factions factored
as deemed necessary
or what the helled
act as though hell were just
a dense patch of eviction
notice (s)
assembled on the fly
and textured
in darkly saturated frames
freeze of stay in grip of anomie
anatomized or atomized
dark matter Dis
patched in voked
yoked to il lucent
burning ever low
potassium disrobes irrevocable
banter stapled to atom after
oak wing shaven lucidly
the dark retreats from background
patches of dissent reverse
urns replete with stance
stay the dark / light pulses
pat ching a momentary monetary
occasion all fussed up
fused with desire batter
rings false in the entrance
meant to cull favors off
pretensive appreholding rinse
to piece work prints made
infusive as slight
casing all’s well endgame meaning
stark as choice culled
from infrequency yet moist
let most fall under a bridge
loan sharked to that end
gamed and famed beyond
a rainbow curvature earth
bound for gory play
time tensed to shrink
am yonder mid-sensed blinking
once under duress (hark) bowed
brain true to cure
light rain tall rain round rain
girth to mean
a rink one day
frozen surf aces rink rat
ionality naturally sus
pend(er)ed pondered
for stop thought watch
men hold onto these
troths to kingdom coming
natural ponds imbue lifelike
return to thought
just right of center
where the amen corner of the market
frails its thin king
faulted for presumed homecoming
gamed and gambled on (again
lost with each addition
all gone future battered
not bettered with back
pain meant / loan
sharking sharper than that tooth
one or another ambles toward
betterment sans zeal and timbre
gain share rises
after treading small
on future lay person’s détente
one hears the harp
and hark of complaint upon
the heir apparently denying
a cold war fever
found wanting in despite
displayed by tea shirted
shunning of sense
ever the heirs loom
old play hurts the being
shunned on faith alone
the wound of mis
interpretation, and of being alone
with understanding (how the world)
wonks winks at working
a swindle often
enough to buy
the farmed out frame-up
fractures snafus or lets them be
fore grounded fogged warriors
fending off imagined
beings from footprints (and by heart)
despite fog intermittent brushed
up against a farm
a frame working
off the war
lord lording it above the
freight of loss leaders
hip to hopping
the hope line cope line
credit where it’s do
or d(r)ying out
bovine lapses rate with some
one yearning to be coped
with turned hope op cit
in labor-
a/tories them selves shelved here
akin to do-doing-done
din divined
as anti / a heck of
a brown nosing around
a conservative view / point of
orders obeyed sans
criticism ancient of ways
long lost lambent sequel
to the ring stippled
up close(ly read)
in point of fact bay window
sheltering the round
paved verge
sing on heresy here say
the monoliths be
spoken in granite
ground out of
being centered
strongheld in the whirlwind
lithographic mid-space
winds down from night
spokes dazzling
turned gray toned
out of touch with
being out on call
Continuations LXXXII:
touch toughs it out up against
the walled mart stock marked
ideologies of then or then again
that song about the future
hedged and hocked to
passed and passing understanding
steadfast fasting me/and/ers to
a zero-based pose approaching
leaps unbounded
pass/ages old that consecute
the way through here
in major form of minor key
up to nothing more than
a wander ringtone song of
cat as trophy / charming
with caterwauls
for tuned walls where
wailing awaits what will come
may no harm befall the recollected
tree unequal to this tree now
may nothing come to
splinter the arpeggios in tune with
shower song a photosynthesis
of fourteen charms ashimmer in the yard
armed to their tv
antennas attenuated
branches broken song
bird births zero pop
growth graphed against
hits (bombs) parades in black and white
ranch lit long lines
path proportioned to a phantom gain
these roan hue mountains
near a pasture distilled
in memory’s own
mind a tempo ranging
far and wild bodying forth
a dance step steeped in
statutory laws of
gravity dug in
dead lined night scoped
sheer falls of walls of stone
to cope is to do
(water varies from all
tone depths
aiming sotto vital
signage to induce the scope
to just one portion
positioned then to make a stand
ing offer no returns
refuse dump(ed) as
futures invest
iture furnished
room of one owned
impediments are also seeds
first earthbound and then springing
up and into worlds of making
peace with as-is
furnishings niche mark
downs that return
on philosophies invested in
theos or bios / how dis
putatious / punctilio
aside foundling funding
staves off intellect starvation
brain stoked on oxygen
under pieced together ounces
of haves vacationing from
genesis as told by
the electorate trained
and stoked by heated history
along embedded habit lines
ley lines lie lanes highways
addictionary learning
words worn thinner
than thinking makes it
sown not owned
on loan to ideologistics
fences stippled with live
lanes weigh the air space
shapes of glass addenda
to perfection still shots reveal
once mourned into
tanned open prior hideaway
filtered filmed and foundered
a loss leader upbraids the troops
tropes aglow launch a low
blowback so black
ops stand stock (stasis / caught
in the head(f)lights
rupees here repeating there
aglow with ought
in (opt out) blank terse backstroke
tending in four-four time
to tithe to leave
a film to mean a standing
watered down weighted downs
fields dreams to masque an order
ed iteration institution
all percussion /head
banged bungled
or beaded ankle deep
reams of deciduous leavings
hold still in the mind
allow for present tense
(the walk through beads)
tapping intuition’s
raw new nerves
swerves in leaf mould branchings
not taken tokens
float above eyes flailings
failings or fallings off
guard grid / linked
tattle tails follow downs
bovine stasis yeses minus duress
from this parlor
view the grid
chaps zilch
in keeping with guard
dogging what is usually tailed
trailed to failed futures how home of
land of turned tail cons
truculent walls wails
that fear makes bully
pulpits pupils
widened weighed
lure is what we stand by
and for the record, pulp begins
pitted in evidence
of pupae in a truck
walled off from being
ear trained always trailing
all way back logged and lagging
a fiction of catch up 22
signs of a pocket
slips of paper mashed
moshed a dance of dearth
hearth felt fallen
paper straps slip
fictive catches pelt
windows imagined hearth
a signal to have
settled as a pocket falls
empties keys to or on
to logical bureaus
of (say) soft history
thinking full past
times tentatively argued out
of any responsibility
rose is almost
soft in full any
(thin(k) passion
never quite itself tentative
or even arguable
as history
or spectacles (specialized
in active induction
conducted ‘electric’
moment (um) chorale
the widening choir
deep and wide spring spectacle
the lectern still
full of the live moment
um captured sizzlish
the adroit feeds
inducing minds to their elastic
spastic speciation / how con
quest for a ring
side se(a)t up met
row sans paddles
peddles the man
you are so deep in
proof of mettle
tames hormonica
when adulation
deepens tone poem of
the normal curve yet
parametric despite despotic pedestrians
Continuations LXXXIII:
harmonium as a way of lifting
eyes and voice skyward to trip
and fall in grace a full
agenbite of inspace in
substantiality the fog of
faith full tide waning
apologia rescinds the stain
from memory as memory
swerves nerve endings damage faculties
fogged surfaces space
shale plots where steps
still fall
away a way taken from to
day light a room full of dark
remembrances these for
getting some form of just
ice broken through drowned
and swept apart foundering
retracting lace from trees
even the chill sun takes
thin crystals from branches
darkness lifts as spring comes
to mean a way
of light round forward warming
or warning preconditioning
perhaps a prognostic
nation programmed
as if seasonal sessions might contract
for petitioned safety a stay
in safe houses putative / spent
gnostic here(tic) traction safened
pends programming (elation
haptics condition yardlines
still in season rationed
here(tofore by might and wild
nest housing the spent
cart ridges of long doubt
less hear(t) said inclined
nations notions of
faith in defile a march of
more ons than ins
tall mentation fallen
line drawing acclimate
all notions of faith and
fatuous inkling(erings)
long (of tooth)
s/aid from nations rationing
file f/olders and containments
constraints meant to drain
a rational climate of
all restraint repression
repossessed a money
s hot new reproduction
technologies divested
fallen posses trained to
ration lists of what
to do to own often a trait remaining
in the money of invention
elbowing away a dulcet
fever in the body drawing
the heat off the hat off to
prophylactic practice
(or is that prophetic
disaster for dummies
booked and (half) baked
theory rise to ruckus
image rasterized akin to
rook skin’s mundane
vast pro forma salience
amounting to
intolerance (mere theory
of a blemish upon rucksack
racketeers ratcheting
rebellion up (wards fail me
dium massage mess
up the age demanding
some sense of real states
on sale signs of an ending
mandatory heart wrench
precedes expected pendulum
(roll bars ago) leaning to one
inviolate side state
of tactile fading
to the traced young (t)ouch
or pushover king ransacked
not summed up as lost
leadership sunken (s)tress
shored against ruin run
off sideways soft
shouldered aside (that hurt
tresses stress the sidelong
g/lances piercing sunken
d/reams of silt on
broadcloth shipping
shoved come to pushcart
running runes with gain share hurting
a slow march following
into what dark structure
d (reamed) cavern
(coven even deeper
cover finalized judgment
reading wrung dry
in frail patches lip service
rinseful après pierced
recusal aimed unfulfilled
nonetheless at eurhythmic
broad suspense (suspicion)
lunking on the lance
the wound up coming
attract/shun a pay
meant due diligence
elegance of argument
against interpenetration
frontiers affronted b(u)y
lamping sing unclingingly
the logic parasailed across
body of work’s radiance
up front and argued
for and center (four and elegiac
penciled mercies
of the fall
en meshed mashed
masted full wind
up and a way of shading
lightly laying the lead
across a paper darkening
as indispensible
ave of papyrus
way shade masks
a light alignment wasted
on approach lead trance
ashen to the full
fashion to the fall
of tyre any wave
the flagging tide
if the affairs of management
go for reining in
ruining insight
fair market markup ages
wave wise to the flag
all bitten by the reign
of gone shunned open manger
sightings leafed through
indefatigable memoirs leaving deep lanes
lines cut through a forest
downed for all that green
was their past present
(st)ations doubled
crossed crassed per
haps (all bets off
tall buildings sacrificial leaps
of (most) favored (rations) on hiatus
indicatives of doubloons
available as stations
crosswise from the down draft
of a practiced winter
palace coup coping mechanisms
tune up for heavy weather
ing of rhetorical storm
troops traipse through drapery
darkly hung juried
jarred from a tuneful century’s sleep
heterodox jury box
for centuries takes runes
from the back room
stor(i)ed with pro
forma root wording
from the mouths of rapscallions
raps a calling on what dark futures
bet on / a sure thing
moves through the long night
ice and fire / light enough for
terror to sink in
an investment lost to ideolog
rough radical moment:
flight to ice revokes
also warm of fire, resultant
error paved into illogic
suture vested as invoked,
name calling, not a calling
out or forth right of
writs wrought from iron
aged rusted thought process
clanks and rattles (auto
chthonic past present
ed as if still running
sent taught beneath writ phrasal
pause Degas
ironically muted as wrought
run time admonished
for eventual new
youth overtaking rattles
the riddle revokes precedence
prescience perhaps on pause
paucity of materials or
a method not yet comprehended
minimalism avant la lettre
dancing in what lost light
white secrets chance
better things the moment
as material wit(h)ness
(nothing lacking)
with/in purposed pause
called to equal called for
A Note on Collaboration
Douglas Barbour and Sheila Murphy met in Arizona when Douglas and Stephen Scobie were in the State to perform their collaborative sound poetry as well as their individual work in association with the POG Reading Series and Chax Press in Tuscon and at the Scottsdale Center for the Arts Poetry Series in the greater Phoenix area. Following that visit, Barbour and Murphy corresponded online. Among the topics pursued in written conversation was Murphy’s enjoyment of the collaborative process. Douglas asked her to participate in building a text together.
Murphy and Barbour find collaborating a chance to get outside the self in linguistically tuned and turned ways. The process brings forth a different creator, representing the combination of energies often vastly different from those of the original participants.