Jacket 22 — May 2003 — Contents page Andrews — Bergvall — Blaser — Bromige — Pam Brown — Caddel A free internet literary magazine — Interviews — Reviews — Articles — Poems
Editor: [»»] John Tranter — Associate Editor: [»»] Pam Brown… |
![]() Interviews
Caroline Bergvall
David Bromige / Edited by Susan Gevirtz ![]()
[»»] Susan Gevirtz: Poetic Intermission: editor’s Note [»»] Robert Grenier: For David Bromige (from As In T as in Tether) [»»] David Bromige: Ten poems (from As In T as in Tether) [»»] David Bromige: In Place of a Preface (from As In T as in Tether) [»»] Kathleen Fraser: Perturbed dialogues in Bromige’s ‘Six of One, Half-a-Dozen of the Other’ [»»] Gary Sullivan: My David Bromige [»»] Doug Powell interviews David Bromige [»»] Barbara Weber: David Bromige, an Annotated Bibliography [»»] Carla Hall and Heather Woods: David Bromige, an Annotated Bibliography Bruce Andrews / Edited by Nick Lawrence ![]() Photo: Bruce Andrews, New York © John Tranter [»»] Bruce Andrews: Strike Me, Lightning [»»] Joel Bettridge - Bruce Andrews’s Language of Belief
Gregg Biglieri: Invitation to a Misreading: [»»] Sherry Brennan: On Lip Service to Paradise [»»] Louis Cabri: Mere Essay at Bruce Andrews’ ‘Social’
Barbara Cole: Bruce Andrews’s Venus: [»»] Bill Freind: Modernism, Advertising, and 'Lip Service' [»»] Alan Golding: Visual Materiality in Bruce Andrews [»»] Bob Perelman: This Just In: Past Haunts Lip Service [»»] Roberto Tejada: Becoming Bruce Andrews: A User’s Guide to Starting Over Stars
[»»] OFF-SITE: a link to Brian Stefans’ magazine Arras, featuring
Bruce Andrews’ [»»] Introduction to his POLI SCI: the political science writings ![]() Robin Blaser Robin Blaser [»»] Meredith Quartermain: Lyric Capability: the Syntax of Robin Blaser (a review of Miriam Nichols, ed., Even on Sunday: Essays, Readings, and Archival Materials on the Poetry and Poetics of Robin Blaser)
[»»] Start here: the master file, with its own Contents List and all the contributions
[»»] Harry Gilonis, Obituary from The Independent [»»] Tony Baker, Memoir from the Northern Review [»»] David Annwn, poem: Celadon [»»] Jane Augustine, prose memoir [»»] Tony Baker, two poems: Poem without end, and Variants before a theme [»»] David Banks, poem: OE Bread Recipe [»»] William Corbett, poem: Ric Caddel [»»] Kelvin Corcoran, prose memoir [»»] Martin Corless-Smith, poem excerpt: from ‘For the Fallen’, in memoriam Ric Caddel [»»] Cid Corman, poem [»»] Robert Creeley, prose memoir, and poem: For Ric, who Loved this World [»»] Leszek Engelking, Two poems from The Calligraphy Mistress, and Translated from the Polish [»»] George Evans, prose memoir [»»] Alec Finlay and others, poem: Writing in the dark ( a nijuin renga in Spring) [»»] Allen Fisher, poem: Shimmy [»»] Roy Fisher, prose memoir [»»] Kathleen Fraser, prose memoir [»»] Harry Gilonis, poem: [long after the old Welsh of the Canu Taliesin] [»»] Bill Griffiths, prose memoir [»»] Harry Guest, poem [»»] Alan Halsey, poem [»»] Robert Hampson, prose memoir [»»] Michael Heller, poem: Visiting briggflats with ric [»»] Árni Ibsen, poem: Prelude [»»] Adriaan Jaeggi, poem: Appointment in Amsterdam [»»] Pierre Joris, prose: The Quiet Wit of Richard Caddel [»»] Laurynas Katkus, prose memoir [»»] John Kinsella, poem: In memoriam, Ric Caddel [»»] Peter Makin, prose memoir [»»] Anthony Mellors, poem: Get a grip [»»] Petr Mikeš, poem: the Lord / of the bees [»»] Billy Mills, poem: three for Ric [»»] Frances Presley, poem: The elephant trees [»»] Patrick Pritchett, poem: Six Malts and a Knell [»»] Meredith Quartermain, poem: Tulip glass [»»] Carl Rakosi, poem: In Memory of Richard Caddel [»»] Tom Raworth, poem: The spaghetti tree [»»] Peter Riley, prose memoir [»»] John Seed, poem: From Ric Caddel’s back kitchen window [»»] Gavin Selerie, poem: Forty-nine comes Clare [»»] Aidan Semmens, two poems: Lamentation, and Upon the death of John Barleycorn [»»] Robert Sheppard, poem: (haiku for piano [»»] Peterjon Skelt, collage [»»] Pete Smith, poem: What in the world we see [»»] Jüri Talvet, poem: Building chairs is science [»»] Harriet Tarlo, poem: title necessary? [»»] Paul Taylor, prose memoir [»»] Lawrence Upton, prose memoir [»»] Scott Watson, poem: Ghost dance [»»] Bibliographical Note [»»] Peter Quartermain, Closing note [»»] Ric’s Japanese Seal (illustration)
[»»] Catherine Walsh, poem: Pomepleat 1
Reality Street Editions announcement: On 9th June 2003 at 8 pm there will be a tribute to Ric Caddel, with readings by Clive Bush, Kelvin Corcoran (to be confirmed), Ken Edwards, Roy Fisher (to be confirmed), Allen Fisher, Harry Gilonis, and others to be announced, at the Camden People's Theatre, 58-60 Hampstead Road, London NW1. See: http://freespace.virgin.net/reality.street/
![]() Reviews and Articles [»»] Linda Russo: Mostly Experimental: Recent Writings By and About Contemporary Women Poets and Writers; a review of
[»»] Caroline Bergvall: A Conversation with David Antin, with David Antin and Charles Bernstein [»»] Caroline Bergvall: BODY & SIGN: Some thoughts around the work of Aaron Williamson, Hannah Weiner, and Henri Michaux [»»] Stephen Burt: Without Evidence (remarks on reading contemporary poetry and on reading about it) [»»] Peter Campion: Collected Studies in the Use of English by Kenneth Cox [»»] Terence Diggory: Hyperscapes in the Poetry of Frank O'Hara, by Hazel Smith [»»] Tyler Doherty: Tea Shack Interior: New & Selected Poems by Andrew Schelling [»»] Carrie Etter: Method by Mark Salerno [»»] Geraldine McKenzie: Poetry and the Innovative Necessity — Essays by Kathleen Fraser [»»] Deborah Meadows: Platform by Rodrigo Toscano [»»] Philip Metres: Morning Constitutional by Michael Magee [»»] Mark Neely: 'Steal Away: selected and new poems by C.D. Wright [»»] John Newton: Kin of Place by C.K. Stead [»»] Patrick Pritchett reviews Drafts 1–38, Toll, by Rachel Blau DuPlessis [»»] Susan M. Schultz: Eleven 747 Poems by Pam Brown [»»] Dale Smith: Evidence of the Paranormal, by Ron Padgett and others [»»] Dale Smith: Under the Sun by Rachel Levitsky [»»] Nathaniel Tarn: Robert Duncan and the Poetry of Illness by Peter O'Leary
Poems [»»] J.P. Auxeméry: Odyssey 1 to 8, trans. Nathaniel Tarn [»»] Joel Bettridge: As We Would Say [»»] Iain Britton: Three poems [»»] Pam Brown: — Moments; — Weeds; — Lightbulbs [»»] Carrie Etter: Three poems [»»] David Kennedy: On Reading John Kinsella’s Peripheral Light [»»] Leevi Lehto: Four poems [»»] John Muckle: Nathaniel Hawthorne [»»] Tenney Nathanson: Home on the Range (excerpt) [»»] Simon Perril: — à Grand Hotel de L’Univers [»»] Nathaniel Tarn: from ‘Dying Trees’