Jacket 19 — October 2002 — Contents page
Verse magazine co-production
Edward Bartók-Baratta: The Girl, the Dog, and the Book
John Beer: Two poems
Charles Bernstein: In Particular
Judith Bishop: The Birds reported from the South
David Blair: You Are So Beguiling
Charles Borkhuis: You'll Never See My Eyes
Pam Brown: Two poems
C.S. Carrier: When To Rest
Cynie Cory: Two poems
Ray DiPalma: Three poems
Timothy Donnelly: Anything to Fill in the Long Silences
Jordan Davis: Someone on the Carpet
Lana Derkac: Botanical Fictions
Lana Derkac: Medusa in a Meadow
Michael Dumanis: Two poems
Michael Farrell: preludes
Graham Foust: Three poems
Sarah Fox: Imagining Girls
Ray Gonzalez: Two poems
Johannes Göransson: The Seminal Union of Carvers
Paul Guest: The God of Neglect, Overheard
Judith Hall: Two poems
David Hamilton: Four poems
James Harms: My Dream of Bob Marley
Bob Hicok: Three poems
Ernie Hilbert: Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus
Terence Huber: Thrice
Marzanna Bogumila Kielar: ***
Nancy Kuhl: The Affair of the Fire Eaters
Steve Langan: Notes on Exile
Radmila Lazic: Two poems
David Dodd Lee: Curvature of the Spine
James McCorkle: Two poems
Jerry McGuire: Heat Strokes # 1
Matthew Miller: The Circuit
Mông-Lan: coyote
Daniel Nester: Coy Apology
James Norcliffe: Villon in Millerton
Ethan Paquin: Two poems
Kevin Prufer: Three poems
Justin Quinn: Untitled
Anna Rabinowitz: Windows
Srikanth Reddy: Four poems
Peter Redgrove: Preliminaries
Rebecca Reynolds: Two poems
Leonard Schwartz: Three poems
B.T. Shaw: One More Name You Won’t Associate With Water
Laurie Sheck: Two poems
Penelope Shuttle: November x 2
Bruce Smith: Every Water: A Letter to My Daughter
Mark Strand: The Seven Last Words
Cole Swensen: Two poems
James Tate: Intruders
Sam Truitt: Jalopy Life
Nanos Valaoritis: Playing with the Pretorian Guard
Jason Vincz: Two poems
Lucy Wilks: Three poems
Terence Winch: Three poems
Dean Young: Three poems
Ivana Zuzul: Two poems
Nadia Herman Colburn: The Beauty of the Husband: a fictional essay in 29 tangos by Anne Carson
Thomas Fink: With Strings by Charles Bernstein, and Source Codes by Susan Wheeler
Thomas Fink: Arcady by Donald Revell
Noah Gordon: Trouble Lights by William Olsen
Lisa Gorton: Heroic Money by Gig Ryan
Arielle Greenberg: Torn Awake by Forrest Gander
Arielle Greenberg: The Body by Jenny Boully
Dave Gunton: Freezing by Steve Langan, and Shiner by Maggie Nelson
Omaar Hena: The Day Underneath the Day by C. Dale Young
Omaar Hena: Mercury by Phillis Levin
David Ingle: Doctor Jazz by Hayden Carruth
Christopher Janke: Heartwall by Richard Jackson
Andrew Johnson: Many Glove Compartments: Selected Poems by Oskar Pastior
Jacques Khalip: Collected Poems by Donald Davie
Paul Killebrew: A Border Comedy by Lyn Hejinian
L.S. Klatt: Brief Moral History in Blue by Beth Roberts
Brett Lauer: By and Large by Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Andrew Neilson: The Nowhere Birds by Caitríona O’Reilly, and Dead Redhead by Tracey Herd
Andrew Neilson: Voodoo Shop by Ruth Padel
Travis Nichols: The Red Bird by Joyelle McSweeney
Travis Nichols: Tremolo by Spencer Short
Ethan Paquin: Twice Removed by Ralph Angel, and Pennsylvania Collection Agency by Michael Burkard
Ethan Paquin: World: Poems 1991–2001 by Maxine Chernoff
Christina Pugh: Hothouse by Tracy Ryan
David Roderick: Brilliant Water, by Christopher Merrill
Susan Rosenbaum: Blast from the Past: Stories, Poems, Song Lyrics & Remembrances,
by Kenward Elmslie
Mark Tardi: music or forgetting by E. Tracy Grinnell
Ian Tromp: Unsleeping, by Michael Burkard
Terence Winch: Jumping the Line by Ted Greenwald, and Protective Immediacy by Rod Smith, and Integrity & Dramatic Life by Anselm Berrigan
THIS ISSUE of Jacket is a co-production with Verse magazine, and is published in print form as Verse, Volume 19, Number 3 (2002).
Founded in 1984 in Oxford, England, Verse was edited until 1994 by Robert Crawford, David Kinloch, and Henry Hart from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and the College of William and Mary in Virginia. The founding editors’ final issue, Talking Verse, a collection of interviews that originally appeared in the magazine, was published in 1994, and Verse was temporarily defunct until resurrected in 1995 by Brian Henry with the help of Nancy Schoenberger and Andrew Zawacki. Since 1998, Henry and Zawacki have co-edited the magazine, with various poets around the world acting as UK editors, contributing editors, assistant editors, and managing editors.
Brian Henry is the author of three books — Astronaut (Arc, 2000/Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2002), Graft (Arc, 2002/New Issues, 2003), and American Incident (Salt, 2002). He reviews poetry for the New York Times Book Review, Boston Review, The Kenyon Review, and other publications, and he was in Australia in 1997-98 on a Fulbright Scholarship and was poetry editor of Meanjin that year. He lives in Athens, Georgia, and teaches in the English Department at the University of Georgia, where he also is Director of the Creative Writing Program.
Andrew Zawacki is the author of By Reason of Breakings (University of Georgia Press, 2002) and the chapbook Masquerade (Vagabond Press, 2001), which won the Alice Fay diCastagnola Prize from the Poetry Society of America. His criticism appears regularly in Boston Review, the Times Literary Supplement, and other publications. A former Rhodes Scholar, he is a doctoral student in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, and he recently returned from a year in Australia on a Fulbright Scholarship.
Verse focuses on contemporary English-language poetry and poetry in translation, and each issue includes interviews with poets and a range of poetry criticism — book reviews, essay/reviews, and essays. Although it publishes an array of work and ascribes to no single style, the magazine has become known for promoting the work of younger American poets working within or against the lyric tradition.
Recent contributors to Verse have included John Ashbery, Charles Bernstein, Lee Ann Brown, Ales Debeljak, Mark Ford, Lisa Jarnot, John Kinsella, Kenneth Koch, Timothy Liu, Javier Marías, Medbh McGuckian, Heather McHugh, Marjorie Perloff, Tessa Rumsey, Tomaz Salamun, Reginald Shepherd, Charles Simic, Gustaf Sobin, James Tate, John Tranter, Joe Wenderoth, Dara Wier, and Charles Wright, among others.
Special issues of Verse include a feature on Australian poetry, a women Irish poets issue, a triple issue with features on Mexican poetry and Indian poetry, a prose issue, and a younger American poets feature. Future issues will include a sequel to the prose issue, a contemporary Russian poetry feature, and an interview issue. Poems from Verse have appeared in the 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2002 editions of the Best American Poetry and have been awarded the Pushcart Prize.
Verse is indexed in the American Humanities Index and is distributed in the U.S. by DeBoer’s. Subscriptions for individuals cost $18/year. Please inquire by email to verse@versemag.org for the cost of non-U.S. or institutional subscriptions.

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