Jacket 32 — April 2007 — Contents page The Poetry of Response — Greeting Cards — Pressure to Experiment A free internet literary magazine — Interviews — Reviews — Articles — Poems
Editor: John Tranter [»» Homepage]; Associate Editor: Pam Brown [»» Weblog] |
Money is a kind of poetry. — Wallace Stevens
[»»] Christopher Kelen: Introduction [»»] Peter Riley: Quotation: ‘It Don’t Mean a Thing’ [»»] Tony Barnstone: The Cannibal at Work: Five Discourses on Translation, Transformation, Imitation, and Transmutation [»»] Gary Blankenship: After Wang Wei [»»] Forrest Gander: The Strange Case of Thomas Traherne [»»] Kent Johnson: Imitation, Traduction, Fiction, Response [»»] Oana Avasilichioaei and Erín Moure: C’s Garden [»»] chus pato, andrés ajens et al.: correspondencias (lalín, galicia – santiago, chile; iowa city/buenos aires, la paz, ciudad juárez/los angeles [»»] Christopher Kelen: conversation with Tang Poets: some notes on the practice
[»»] Elaine Equi: Best Wishes (Introduction) [»»] Elaine Equi: Happy New Year [»»] David Lehman: Time Frame [»»] Wayne Koestenbaum: Short Subjects ![]()
Cover image — detail: [»»] Rae Armantrout: Address
Nick Piombino: Valentine’s Day
Kim Lyons: Red Couplets
David Shapiro: Colorful Hands
Tom Clark: Equinox
Vincent Katz: Back From The Dead [»»] Eileen Tabios: Eggs: Pulp Fiction for Easter
Jeanne Marie Beaumont: Fête of the Little Boats
Martine Bellen: On John Ashbery Day — A Cento
Cathy McArthur: At the Wildlife Center [»»] Jerome Sala: Mother’s Day
Jeanne Marie Beaumont: Flower & Camera
Patricia Spears Jones: The Perfect Lipstick [»»] Chris Martin: Independence Day
Mark Lamoureux: Bride of Frankenstein’s Birthday
Stacy Szymaszek: Hammock Day
Erica Kaufman: admit you’re happy day
Erica Kaufman: elvis week [»»] Fanny Howe: Our Lady of Knock, August 21, 1879 [»»] Joanna Fuhrman: At the Evil Boss Convention — Labor Day [»»] Jerome Sala: Anniversary
Gregory Crosby: Columbo Day
Connie Deanovich: Happy Hamlet Day
Bruce Covey: Definitions
Amy Gerstler: All Saints’ Day [»»] Joe Brainard: Thanksgiving
David Trinidad: Doll Memorial Service
David Shapiro: After Ryokan
Ron Padgett: Season’s Greetings
Ryan Stechler: Pirate’s Christmas Carol ![]() John Tranter: East Village, NYC, 2005
Q: What are these weird little numbers, like the one just to the right? 29 A: With this issue, we began to provide paragraph numbers in some long articles so that scholars and reviewers could refer to a specific section of a document when they wished to give an accurate citation. Around 2009 we began to call them "Section" numbers, which seemed a little more accurate. With an internet publication, scholars can’t refer to a page number, which is what they usually do with books. Page numbers as such do not really exist in HTML files like this one. Please see our style guide for a long explanation of that conundrum. These numbers are not hyperlinks, and they don’t “do” anything. The ones on this page are just samples. |
27 What are these weird little numbers, like the one just to the right? [answer] Articles [»»] Anthony Stephens: Cutting Poets to Size — Heidegger, Hölderlin, Rilke ![]() Martin Heidegger (front right), [»»] Gilbert Adair: “Child-Emporererer (vacncy)”: Apprehending U.S. Empire through Robert Fitterman’s «Metropolis» [»»] Andrea Brady: The Other Poet: John Wieners, Frank O’Hara, Charles Olson [»»] Stephen Fredman: Edward Dorn [»»] Steve Halle: Against Lightning Flashes: Inspiration in Kristin Prevallet’s «Scratch Sides: Poetry, Documentation, and Image-Text Projects», by Kristin Prevallet [»»] Douglas Messerli: What is to be Done? [»»] Clément Oudart: Genreading and Underwriting: A Few Soundings and Probes into Duncan’s «Ground Work» [»»] David Rosenberg: The Lost Poets of the Wild: The Influence of the First Writing Poets in Sumer ![]() Interviews [»»] Nicomedes Suárez-Araúz: In Search of the Night: on translating Jaime Saenz: an Interview with his translators, Kent Johnson and Forrest Gander [»»] Wayne Koestenbaum in conversation with Tony Leuzzi, 22 October 2004, Le Gamin Coffee Shop, Chelsea, New York [»»] Deborah Meadows in conversation with Romina Freschi, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006
Feature: [»»] Introduction (Bloomfield et al.) [»»] Joan Retallack: What is Experimental Poetry & Why Do We Need It? [»»] Jena Osman: Is Poetry the News?: The Poethics of the Found Text [»»] Harriet Tarlo: Radical Landscapes: experiment and environment in contemporary poetry [»»] Caroline Bergvall: The Franker Tale (Deus Hic, 2) [»»] Caroline Bergvall: Short aside to ‘The Franker Tale’. [»»] Vincent Broqua: Pressures of Never-at-home [»»] Nikolai Duffy: The Poetics of Emergency [»»] Josh Robinson: ‘Innocence and incapability impose’: Towards an Ethic of Experimentation [»»] Luke Harley: Music as prod and precedent: Nathaniel Mackey’s niggling at the limits of language Reviews ![]() Alice Notley, 2006 [»»] Raewyn Alexander: «Red the Fiend» by Gilbert Sorrentino [»»] Raewyn Alexander: «Sundays on the Phone», by Mark Rudman [»»] Raewyn Alexander: «Rain» by Jon Woodward [»»] James Belflower: «Harrow», by Elizabeth Robinson [»»] Marcelo Coelho: «Rapid Departures» by Vincent Katz, illustrations by Mario Cafiero [»»] Ian Davidson: «Grave of Light: New and Selected Poems 1970–2005», by Alice Notley [»»] Marcella Durand: «secure portable space», by Redell Olsen [»»] Clive Faust: «Language Is» by John Phillips [»»] Tom Goff: «Tap-Root: Poems» by Indigo Moor [»»] Michael Gottlieb: «The Anger Scale» by Katie Degentesh [»»] David Hart: Peter Redgrove: eight books [»»] Andrew Mossin: «Blue Studios: Poetry and Its Cultural Work», by Rachel Blau DuPlessis [»»] Linda Russo: «Terminal Humming» by K. Lorraine Graham [»»] Linda Russo: «Crop» by Yedda Morrison [»»] Linda Russo: «Chantry» by Elizabeth Treadwell [»»] Standard Schaefer: «Broken World», by Joseph Lease
James Sherry: «The Grand Piano» Project: [»»] Alan Sondheim: «The Flowers of Evil», by Charles Baudelaire, translated by Keith Waldrop, Wesleyan University Press, 2006 [»»] Jason Stumpf: «Necessary Stranger» by Graham Foust [»»] Donald Wellman: «Figured Image» by Anne-Marie Albiach, trans. Keith Waldrop Poems [»»] Iain Britton: Lemurs and Missing Links in Loops [»»] Bruce Covey: Two poems: ‘Still’; ‘Good & Plenty’ [»»] Romina Freschi: Initials (2004/05) [»»] Michael Kelleher: Number Crunch [»»] Ronald Koertge: Three Haibun [»»] Kristin Prevallet: Tales of Caw [»»] Robert Sheppard: Sonnets from «September 12» |